

In addition to monthly meetings, we hold a variety of programs and events. Guests are welcome. For more information about Club programs, contact the Club at

Yoga Hike at Albany Rural Cemetary

Intergenerational Celebration of Women's History Month with students from Albany Leadership Charter School for Girls

Tour of Stephen and Harriet Myers House 

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk

A Sampler of WCA Activities

Talks and Tours of local historical sites (Stephen & Harriet Myers House, Historic Ten Broeck Gardens)

   the local chapter of this national non-profit organization meets at the WCA every month holding potluck suppers to benefit women’s programs in developing nations.

► Yoga classes for members and non-members.  Check CALENDAR for dates.

►Tuesdays on the Porch bi-weekly during the summer and in the Parlor on the first Tuesday of October through February

►Good Books for Good Works fundraiser for a selected school library at The Book House in Styvesant Plaza

►Informational lectures and programs (Understanding Alzheimer's talk sponsored by the Alzheimer's Association, Intergenerational Celebration of Women's History Month with students from the Albany Leadership Academy for Girls)

Member events including the annual picnic at Lawson Lake, hikes at local parks and preserves and the Cabin Fever Member Self-Care Wellness Day at the WCA.

Remember our awesome picnic at Lawson Lake in October?

Albany County posted this video. 

The Woman's Club of Albany

725 Madison Avenue • Albany • New York • 12208


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